Full Set of Lakshmi  Mists

Full Set of Lakshmi Mists


Our emotional support mists are so much more than a room spray they are handcrafted using all organic natural and cruelty free vegan ingredients. The vibrational medicines of flower essences, crystal and gem essences, reiki energy and essential oils have been carefully selected with skill, love and intention for your highest good.

In our experience it is beneficial to have all 12 Emotional Support Mists on hand and to experience the very different benefits they offer within the family, with customers or patients and the various situations and challenge we experience here on earth.

The Lakshmi Emotional Support Mists are as follows ...

Lakshmi Āyāta - I am Abundance. Attracting abundance in all areas of life, letting go and new beginnings.

Lakshmi Zen - I am calming big moods, sensory overload and assisting integration of information and concentration.

Lakshmi Praryāptiḥ - I am for time of trauma, shock and sudden illness, to return to grounded breathing, calm and soothing shock.

Lakshmi Amala - I am clearing negative energy and protection. Clearing and protecting from unwanted energies and attachments.

Lakshmi Nidrā - I am for assistance with Sleep, deep relaxation or meditation.

Lakshmi Ahimsa - I am for clear and open communication, for moments of low self worth, anger and stress restoring calm and clarity.

Lakshmi Goddess - I am for cycles of change, moon cycles, women’s cycles, moods and connection to the Goddess energy.

Lakshmi Saṃsāra - I am for those grieving or suffering the dark night of the soul, returning light and love while holding space and love for self and others. Also for clearing generational and ancestral patterns, personal power and growth.

Lakshmi Ojas - I am to support a healthy immune system, calming the sympathetic nervous system and protecting from environmental threats.

Lakshmi Varivovid - I am to assist the body to handle the difficulties allergies, asthma and hayfever place on the physical body including enduring the intensity of pollen in the air during spring and summer months.

Lakshmi White Sage - I am to assist clear away accumulated negativity in your physical and auric space and leave you feeling vibrant, free, calm, safe and protected.

Lakshmi Sundari - I am for the soul concerned by world events; those who are fearful, pessimistic or feel as though one person cannot make a difference. I reawaken ones awareness of universal consciousness by reigniting the light within.

If you are unsure of the ingredients please see the individual listing for the full details.